Wednesday, November 30, 2011



what I’ll be, am—all you
said when I explained
there was no
making up for habitual


One sentence, you gave
up— neglected
the idea of changing

my set mind.

I cannot identify, absorb
your reasoning— accepted
failure effortlessly;
realized I wasn’t

easy to capture.

Your passion for me—
weak, evaded by your life-
lesness, dormant ways;


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Where Love Cannot Re-Blossom

There is nothing there.                                   Nothing,
but a sliver of              love                 and caring                               for you
but I guess       not more than
I care about my own well-being         and that is      part                 of our problem.

I love myself more than I could ever              love you
because you are          not       concrete but can move freely            in
and out of my life       as you please,                         and do, 
and I can only watch               it happen again           and again and try my best

to protect myself        when I see you            on the caller ID after months                         of waiting.
You must not want to change someone         to love them, but darling,                   I slightly want
to change you                         because I believe it isn’t your lips      that I am addicted to

but must be the taste              of lies, the residue      of an addict’s preference;      dribbles of
pills             stuck above your lip.       Free your nose,          smell only flowers,                  crush me             
up and breathe me in;            I am                 your drug of choice                 since you
always treat me the same way          you do that bottle. Use me up            till I am

long gone but linger               in your system, and you                      will crave for me
to get you        that high once again, but        never               will this happen,          for I am empty.             Withdrawals                will haunt you                                     each night as memories
occupy your dreams, nightmares                  they will become                    unless you rehab yourself                   from these pills, these lies             you feed me while I                continue
to rehab          you                  from me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Glass Walls


Decipher me. Pick me apart
‘Cause I’ve forgotten how.

Break me, somehow set me free.
Unravel my twisted heart.

I want to feel again,
it’s been
so long.
I want you in my arms.

But I’m scared to have you near,
I’ll just hurt you in the end,
so I’ll put up these glass walls.

We’re just two strangers in a room
who’ve met a thousand times before.

Can you show me,
tell me what you see
when you are loving me, oh

I want to feel again,
it’s been
so long.
I want you in my arms

But I’m scared to have you near,
I’ll just hurt you in the end,
so I’ll put up these glass walls.
Oh these glass walls

Will protect you from my harm.
I’m tainted and bruised,
I don’t want to blemish you.

So I’ll put up these glass walls.
Oh  I'll put up these glass walls.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Seal up My Love

When placed                                                             O
so delicately                             N
it suffocates,


her from dancing

with molecules.

She stands
tall, still—until
she shrinks and shrivels
leaving but only
a black

There is a J in Heartache

Oh, how I could have loved you, pleased
you better than any other woman
you will ever meet. You may think 

you have the slightest idea of what you
gave up but you have not even begun
to figure it out. Once you find yourself

only sleeping among dirty women
whose skin reek of drugs and privates
ache with disease you will remember me

and how we cuddled up on your couch,
you kissed my clean forehead and smelt
my washed hair; How our lips fit perfectly

together and I didn’t taste like the butt
end of a cigarette. Yet, I foretold this to be
the outcome from succumbing to a J.

Just as J’s rolled, breathed in, harm,
you, when considered, break hearts.