Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Namaste _/||\_

Show me your faults
and I shall accept you,
                for they are not faults
rather echoes of myself
beating in you.
We are one.
We both fear. We think
with separate minds
that work in the same plane,
producing thoughts, little flickers
of energy that spill into the world
and cling to further minds.
We are not original.
We are not unique.
We are not superior.
We are the same.
The pain felt by the elder tree
being separated from her roots,
I feel
                in me.
I feel the cut,
                the parting,
                                 the fall.
My soul is not
my intelligence.
My feelings are not
my perception.
My connection is not
my mind.
is wrongly measured
by miles of divorce.

My heart
                is no bigger than yours
or his. We are all capable.
We are all framed
                                to see
without sight.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My first knits

This Scares Me


I want to be the moon in your eyes.
I want you to see me in the most beautiful light.
I might even let you find…
My heart is buried deep inside of me.
But this you already see.
You see right through me,
and this scares me.
Oh, this scares me.
How did you have me all figured out
when  you didn’t know what I was all about,
but you somehow have visited all
the places inside me
that nobody’s ever seen.
This scares me.
Oh, this scares me.
I don’t know what you see in me.                                                          
The more you see the more I believe
you could be the one for me.
Oh, this scares me.
Oh, this scares me.
I want to be the moon in your eyes.
I want you to see me in the most beautiful light. 

My Happy Song


Watching the clouds go by
realizing this thing called time.
Oh, how it flies right on by
while I’m sitting here smiling.
I’m sitting here smiling.
The sun’s shining down on me,
while I’m singing.
So, I’m sitting here just smiling.
I’m sitting here smiling.
Watching the wind blow by,
how it sways the grass so high.
I’m listening to the creatures singing with me now
while I’m sitting here smiling.
I’m sitting here smiling.
Now the lady bugs are crawling on me,
thinking to myself how lucky can I be
to live in this world of beauty, beauty.
So I’m sitting here just smiling.
Playing my guitar and smiling.
I’m sitting here and smiling.
Playing my guitar and smiling.

Get Drunk


Get drunk.
Tell me you love.
Say it to me again.
Let it sink into my skin.

Let the rain
pour upon our faces.
Tell me your secrets
that you never say.
Just tell me your secrets.

Show me, open the door
to your mind.
Show me your heart,
but I can't guarentee I'll show you mine.
But I'll try. I'll try.

So get drunk.
Tell me you love.
Say it to me again.
Let it sink into my skin.

How 'bout we wear our hearts
on our sleeves, our sleeves.
'Cause think I'm falling
in love, in love.
Oh, I think I'm falling
in love with you, with you.

December Day


How we laid beneath the clouds,
lighting and thunder an echo
of ourselves; the sound playing out
but the flash is gone.

Oh, I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow,
when the winter rolls in.

I kiss your lips from far away,
dreaming of that December day
I'll come walking in as if I never left.

Oh, I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow,
when the winter rolls in.
Our August sun has set
but it will rise again.

And we'll stay up all night
till the sun comes up again;
just like those summer nights
let the sun seep in
through shades and sheets.
Oh, it filled us with such love.
Love don't forget,
though I'm distant from you now,
I'll see you again.

Oh, I'll see you tomorrow.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Let the sun rise again.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Umbilical Cord of Heart and Mind

Through a field of lilies
she strolls.
The forest ahead,
an ocean below;
deeper she goes.
The shade becomes dark;
only fireflies glow.
(only fireflies glow)
What do you know?
Tell me secrets of this life.
What is this yearning
that lingers inside?
Fireflies glow.
The fireflies glow.
They scatter,
she shadows;
deeper she goes
till there is light
where a sunflower grows.
(a sunflower grows)
What do you know?
Tell me secrets of this life.
What am I missing
that haunts me at night?
And the sunflower sings
as the fireflies glow
Let the wind lead the way,
let it render you free.
This is no life
in which you lead.
See the beauty in me
bloom in those willing to be
your somebody.
You’re somebody.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Catching Trains

This distance brings me closer. I can feel
you in my chest, pump my heart, release
                                             my breath.

When you cannot be beside, you are
everywhere to me. I see you
in the stars,                initials carved
                   into invisible trees.

Not being able to feel you so close,
you become closer to me (youme).
                  I needed this distance
to let you inside of me. (myoue)

I'll bear my heart, wear it on my sleeve.
I am committed now
                               that I had to leave.

Maybe the longing is a necessity; you
showing me how much this means;
a                    thousand miles
won't stop you from loving me,

(when those before stopped suddenly).

I'll give you my love
for you are far better than I could dream,

I'll do my best
to make my heart heard. Let
her speak freely, finally, though only
                 to your non-judging ears
that hold my whispers gently.

I could tell you dark secrets from the past,
and you don't sit there
                                  feeling bad. You say
I'm beautiful for all I do, how I see
the world, how I see you

and all those close to me,
      how there is beauty in all to see.
Somehow you manage
                                    to see it in me.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pursuit of the Quiet Mind

Gazing into the night, you are
within the shooting star;
at the end of the midnight rainbow.

Climbing the highest tree, I see
you in the greenest, dying leaf.
But you disappear from me;

vanishing upon waves of wind.

Adrift a field of sunflowers, I find you.
Successfully capturing the self,
we soar beyond clouds inside ocean tides.

Invisible Names Carved into a Tree (Destiny?)

I was sitting in a tree when a bird came up to me to say hello. Little did I know this birdie had a plan for me, though too soon for my eyes to see. So, I went here every day and so did she till one day when the skies were cloudy. She did not come but instead a man quite young and lovely sat beneath my tree, slowly unraveling her plan for me you see. He pulled out his guitar not seeing me above and sang the most beautiful song about love. As a tear dropped from my cheek he looked up questioning rain but saw me in my happiest pain. His cheeks became red in regards to the things he’d said so I dropped down and whispered, “Let’s get out of these clouds and trees that we’ve been hiding behind for weeks. Take me out. Let’s have a new beginning.”

Monday, February 6, 2012

Warped Splendor

Vines in spines made
of moons and tunes,
sun flower and gun powder,
many pieces of you.

Half-moon leaves
when sun flowers breathe,
wilting to starless nights,
empty thriving trees.

Here on this vine embodied
deep in my spine, moon
leaves of trees and sun
flowers weave through

the endless beauty
flourishing within you.

Haiku Series

Staring at paper
she feels so trapped inside it.
Autumn leaves blow by.

Bright lit screen fades her
in ways she never could see.
Sunlight appears dark.

Grocery lists say
do this and that till gone
while day waits to play.

Branches sing and dance.
She passes by without eyes.
They lost her to work.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Music of Inspiration

A foreign room transformed
from my days as student.

Familiar in ways:
window sills, heavy
doors, white boards,

lost markers atop the piano.

Entering I shake seeing
sixteen wondering faces
staring at a stranger—me.

I do not break.

I have been educated
by the elite in matters
of mending, deciphering,

relating subjects to greenhorns.

The simplicity of adding
music notes, one beat, two
beats, with a ., three beats,

a grave matter to the assembled;
I reminisce moments sitting
in that fold-out chair, absorbing.

Here, her eyes light quickly
like a flame to gorgeous,
flowing hair; burning

as the wick of a candle,
steady, eager for continuous
education. Her adding, impressive,

her grasp, remarkable.
Though those quiet are not
forgotten—engaged with assistance

smiles bud from their
tiny lips; proud of this

momentous accomplishment.

I root a love to unearth

an understanding of connection,
between symbols and sounds;
a difference I’ve made—

a fragile sprout of a tree

growing with time, dedication;
watered by a substitute teacher’s
passion to evolve desires for learning.

Un poema para clases de español11/3/09

Yo miro en tus ojos
y veo al sol.
Tú siempre iluminas mi día.

Un momento sin ti
en mi vida y
los cielos siempre serán grises.

Un beso en la mejilla
manda las estrellas a volar
Yo no puedo verlo en una manera major.

Tú eres el unico que
verdadermente amo
y eso nadie puede cambiar.

English translation:

I look in your eyes
and see the sun.
You always light up my day.

A moment without you
in my life
the skies only shades of grey.

A kiss on the cheek
send the stars flying.
I couldn't picture it  a better way.

You are the one that
I truly love
and that no one can change.