Tuesday, February 12, 2013


There is a knot tying. Each pull
and tighten burns, releasing
It holds it in;
Ties it down.

A desire to stand
This life leaves no room.
There is no time
to gander,
to wonder,
seek, discover.
Only to-do lists, followed by
still haven’t done lists, followed
by endless tiredness.
Revive me.
Fill me with the rains
like empty pots.
Brush away the cobs, the dust
that fills my airways,
for I cannot breathe.
Let me live.
show me how to live.
I have been deceived, only knowing
money, greed; only knowing
how to separate from you
though I know only you

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Ocean in the Sky

The swirls swell deep in my soul.

                                I feel

                them press at my palms,
attempting to breathe,
flow back into the universe.

                                I am

                that space, this universe,
Earth, world, cosmos and all.
It all flows within me.

                                I will be

                peace for all humanity.


It’s found in silence,
in the slow fall of snowflakes,
the wind brushing between beings,
blowing leaves, whistling.
It’s found in the strum of strings,
the deep chords that bellow
from the throat.
It’s found in the green
of trees, their whispers to me.
It’s found in everything.